Thanks for the replies. Robert's and Andrew's comments make sense
to me, but leave open the following question: in assessing a defence of
reasonable but mistaken belief, are we assessing the reasonableness of
the defendant's belief or the reasonableness of the plantiff's conduct
that created the belief? (Is this a question of the reasonable
defendant or the reasonable plaintiff?)
If we are assessing the plaintiff's actions, that suggests that the
plaintiff is "at fault" for creating the impression of
consent. But such impressions can be created innocently.
Consider Robert's example of the kiss. If the defendant kisses the
plaintiff because he mistakes her for someone else, then a battery has
occurred. But if the defendant kisses the plaintiff because she
puckers up but it turns out that she is simply preparing to put on lip
gloss, then (if you will provide me with some poetic licence for the
scenario) she has created the impression of consent and the defendant
could rely on his mistaken but reasonable belief. But the prospect
of being kissed had never entered her mind and her actions were otherwise
ordinary and unremarkable.
Another example from the Solomon et al torts casebook: Steve joins his
friends for a game of football in the park. But he came a couple of
minutes late and missed the group decision that for the first time they
would play tackle football instead of touch football the way they
normally do. On the first play, Steve is tackled, breaking his
arm. No battery, because of the defendant's mistaken but reasonable
belief in consent. In this scenario, Steve's actions have helped to
create the impression of consent, but he has done nothing wrong except
put himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Change the facts slightly. Steve is just walking in the park (not
joining the game), and on the first play the football bounces near him
and he picks it up to throw back to the players. One of the players
thinks that Steve is playing the game (because it is a large group of
people and the first play of the game), and tackles him, breaking his
arm. The defendant's mistaken belief in consent is no more
unreasonable than in the first scenario. But Steve is an entirely
innocent victim. The idea of reasonable but mistaken belief
suggests that we are looking to attribute "fault" but often
there is no fault involved. Has Steve foregone his right to
recovery in battery because of his innocent role in creating the
impression of consent?
At 10:17 AM 14/10/2010, Robert Stevens wrote:
McLachlin J's formulation is wrong.
If the defendant is responsible for creating
the impression of consent it doesn't matter if they do not actually
consent. If I enter into a boxing ring wearing gloves I have created the
impression that I consent to be hit, even if I don't subjectively want to
be. So, no battery if the other boxer mistakenly but reasonably thinks
that there is consent. It is that type of case McLachlin must have in
mind in her loose formulation as that is what Scalera is about.
(The decision itself is right).
However, if I mistakenly think you have
consented to kiss me, and you haven't and are not responsible for my
mistake, it doesn't matter how reasonable my mistake is. The unconsented
to snogging is a tort, in principle at least.
From: Bruce Pardy
Sent: 14 October 2010 14:20
Subject: Question about reasonable but mistaken belief in
Can anyone clarify a consent issue for me? In Scalera (SCC),
McLachlin says that to establish the defence of consent, the defendant
may prove that the plaintiff consented, or that a reasonable person in
the position of the defendant would have believed that the plaintiff
consented. In other words, even if the defendant has made a mistake
in concluding that the plaintiff consented, that mistake, if reasonable,
may allow the defendant to avoid liability for battery. So for
instance if the plaintiff joined a game of hockey believing it to be
non-contact and was body-checked by the defendant, the plaintiff did not
consent to the body-check, but the defendant reasonably concluded that he
did. So no liability.
On the other hand, as a general rule, mistake is not a valid defence to
an intentional tort. For example, In Turner v Thorne the
defendant made a delivery to the wrong address, and liability in trespass
followed even though the defendant reasonably thought he was at the right
place. This mistake could be expressed as mistake about consent:
the owner of the right address had given consent to the delivery, so if
the defendant reasonably thought he was at the right address, his belief
in consent must have been reasonable. But this mistake does not
relieve him of liability.
One way to distinguish between the two is to say that in the hockey game,
the plaintiff's actions were the source of the defendant's reasonable but
mistaken belief in consent, but with respect to the delivery, the
plaintiff had no role in producing the defendant's reasonable but
mistaken belief. Another might be to say that in the first
situation, the mistake about consent is "direct", whereas in
the second, mistake about consent arises because of another mistake about
a collateral matter (the address). Can anyone clarify for me, or
identify any other principled difference between these two kinds of
Many thanks,
Bruce Pardy
Faculty of Law
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N6
613-533-6000 ext 77570
fax 613-533-6509
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